The Ascot is situated on the south side of
Edinburgh a few minutes from the city
centre which is within walking distance at
just over two kilometres or a mile away.
It is an approximate 25 minute walk to Princes
Street and even less to the
Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle.
We are on a major bus route where a good
selection of buses will take you to most parts of
the city. There
is a private car
park and
free on-street
parking. For
evening meals, there are several good
restaurants and pubs within walking distance.
Convenient for the: Royal Mile and Castle,
Princes Street, Scottish Parliament.
Prestonfield Golf Course, Queen's Hall, Festival
Theatre, Royal College of Surgeons,
Commonwealth Swimming Pool. Prestonfield
House. The new Royal Infirmary. All museums.
98, Dalkeith Road Edinburgh EH16 5AF
+44(0)131667 1500
We are one of
the very few guest
houses close to
Edinburgh city centre
with unrestricted free
parking, guests can
leave the car and
enjoy the city on foot
or public transport.